How to Play


How to Play

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Game board | Inside hive | Movement | Inspecting items | Inpsecting flowers | Returning to hive | Enemies | Score

How to win

Your charater in this game is a bee looking for flowers. Your goal is to find the correct flower patch as quickly as possible. You will begin each level by watching a bee dance inside the hive. The dance will give you important clues about the distance and direction to the correct flower patch from the hive. Once you leave the hive, move your bee in the direction indicated in the bee dance, then inspect flowers in the area to find the correct one.

Game board

the game board

Inside the hive

bee sensors inside hive

You will begin each level by watching a bee dance inside the hive. The dance will give you important clues about the distance and direction to the correct flower patch outside the hive.

The dancing bee will also give you a sample she collected from the flower, to show you the nectar and scent concentrations of the flower patch you’re trying to find.

bee and target example

How to move

To move your bee (once you leave the hive) simply click anywhere in the game world. A target will appear where you clicked. Your bee will automatically fly towards it then stop moving when she arrives. You can click on a new point to redirect the bee before she reaches her target goal.

flower in inspection box

Inspecting items

Inspect items you find on the map (such as flowers and rocks) to learn more information about them. To inspect an item, move your bee over it. When you are close enough, a question mark will appear in the Inspection Box. Click on the Inspection Box to learn more about the item.

Inspecting flowers


Inspecting flowers will give you a couple additional options. Clicking on buttons below the flower lets you change the vision mode between normal human vision and bee vision.

Below that are two sensor bars. The yellow and purple bars of the sensors tell you the chemical and nectar concentration of the flower you are inspecting. Black lines mark the chemical and nectar concentration of the flower you are looking for. When the sensor values of the flower you are inspecting match the black lines, you know you’ve found the correct flower.

Below the sensors, you will also be asked if the flower you are inspecting is in the flower patch that you were looking for. If you answer yes and you are correct, you found the right flower patch and you win the level!

hive in inspection box

Returning to the hive

If you need to see the bee dance again after the level has begun, go back to your home hive and inspect it. An option to enter the hive will appear in the inspection box. Your home hive is always located in the center of the screen.



Wasps are natural predators of bees. Try to avoid getting caught by a wasp. If you do run into a wasp, you will need to restart from the beginning of the level.

Game score

At the end of each level, you will see a summary of how you did. In Advanced Mode only, you will also receive a score in points. The highest score possible per level is 2000 points. The highest score possible per game is 16000 points. Your score per level is calculated using the following point system.






In addition, if you complete a level perfectly, you will receive an additional 400 bonus points! A level is considered perfectly played if the following conditions were met: you were not caught by any wasps, you did not need to return to the hive for clarification, you did not guess incorrectly on any flowers, and you found the correct flower in under 5 seconds.


How to Play

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