How to Play: You are locked inside the training room. Use your problem solving skills to investigate the environment, find clues, and discover how to escape. Your challenge is not only to escape, but also to become an exceptional observer. The text at the bottom of the screen will help guide you. If you can’t see it, scroll down or click on the arrow button. The arrow button will reappear whenever there is a new message.
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Play Science Detectives: The Case of the Mystery Images
.Ask A Biologist
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.You are locked inside the training room. Use your problem solving skills to investigate the environment, find clues, and discover how to escape.
Below is a summary of your training room escape. These were the steps you took after making your observation and forming your question.
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You are now prepared to solve other questions and mysteries using the Scientific Method as a guide towards an answer. Even if the questions or mysteries do not seem to be scientific, they can be solved using this process.