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This owl, barely the size of a sparrow, is the smallest in the world. It feeds primarily on insects, with a rare lizard or small snakes thrown in. It occurs in desert areas and associated riparian forest. The nest is in an old woodpecker hole or natural cavity in trees and telephone poles.

This small dove is usually on or near the ground. Here it feeds on seeds, berries and the occasional insect. Its nest is a loose assembly of sticks placed on or near the ground in a bush. In the winter it is usually seen in small flocks.

This long-legged owl is often active during the daytime and most often seen sitting on the ground near its burrow. Occasionally they fly up to fence posts or telephone lines where they become even more obvious. Burrowing Owls are confined to prairies, grasslands and open desert areas where they feed on large insects, small mammals and lizards. This species nests in similar habitats all the way south to Argentina.

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