Welcome to Ask A Biologist. This site has a large collection of biology learning materials that includes stories, games, activities, videos, and a podcast.

Explore Give It A Shot

As our lives become more affected by viruses and bacteria that cause disease, how much does wearing masks and distancing matter? How important is it to get vaccinated? Explore and visualize these questions as you figure out how you could slow a pandemic.

Learn more about vaccine history, testing, and more with our story, Vaccine Science.

The Arctic is changing faster than many other ecosystems. This habitat is in danger, as are the animals that live there, and the peoples whose lives have always depended on the lands and food webs of the Arctic. One of the best ways to help save it is to learn more about it.

Play EcoChains

EcoChains is a game that introduces you to arctic life and ice that is so very important for survival. This is a fun way to learn about the food web that includes living things from very tiny to the very large and those in between - like humans.

We usually worry about getting sick from other people or from spoiled food. But did you know that some animals, like rats and mongooses, can make you sick too?