Biology Topics
- Cow's Eye Dissection
- Zygote Body (requires newest browsers)
Blood types
Extremophiles (animals "on the edge")
General topics
- Animal Diversity Web
- Creature Cast (wonderful videos)
- Nature and Wildlife Field Guides
- Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation and Educational Foundation
- Embryo Development
- The Heart: The Engine of Life
- Zygote Body (requires newest browsers)
- Muscles in Action
- The Visible Embryo
- The Visible Human Project
- Becoming a Biologist (from Ask A Biologist)
- Biology Career Descriptions
- Biology Careers (from Ask A Biologist)
- The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences
- What's a Biologist? (from Ask A Biologist)
- What do Biologists Do? (from Ask A Biologist)
- Women in Science
General topics
- Amazing Cells, University of Utah
- The Biology Project, University of Arizona
- Biology4kids
- Cells alive!
- Virtual Tour of a Cell
Mitosis (cell division)
Organelles (what's inside?)
- Cloning Noah's Ark (Scientific American)
- Cloning Ewe (Ask A Biologist)
Biomes and Habitats
- Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network - Collection
- NOAA Education Resources
- Climate Reality Project's Climate 101
General topics
How you can help the environment
- Understanding Evolution
- Evolution (NECSI)
- Peppered Moths (Ask A Biologist)
Human Evolution
General topics
Additional Resources
If you're interested in becoming a biologist, we've gathered a few resources that might help you out
If you're just starting out, you may be wondering what exactly a biologist does. Visit our story, What's a Biologist? to learn what biologists do, what jobs are available, and some of the ways you can pursue biology as a career.
If you know you want to go to college for biology, make sure to check out the SOLUR you can get involved in at ASU.
The rest of these resources can also be helpful, no matter where you are in the process of becoming a biologist.
Online Biology Learning Tools
There are many interesting tools available online that provide information about the various topics in biology. Here are a few to get you started:
Getting Involved with Citizen Science
Citizen science enables the public to help out on special studies. Usually people make observations of certain plant or animal species. They can then record them online as part of a larger data set. Here are some of the ongoing citizen science projects:
Program Name | Location | |
SciStarter (varied) | Worldwide | |
Frog Watch (frogs and toads) | USA | |
Journey North (various migrating species) | mainly Mexico & USA | |
eShark (sharks) | Coasts worldwide | |
Zooniverse (varied) | Worldwide |
Volunteer Opportunities to Explore Biology
Volunteering can be an important step in discovering what is interesting to you. There are many resources available to help you find volunteer and non-profit positions. Another good way to get involved is to find an establishment or program near you that sounds interesting and ask them how you might be able to help.
Preparing for a Career in Biology
It's never too early to explore different career options available for a biologist. There are resources available to help with general career preparation, as well as others that provide information about various career opportunities.
- Association of Zoos and Aquariums
- Becoming a Biologist (from Ask A Biologist)
- Biology Careers (from Ask A Biologist)
- Conservation Biology
- Government Positions
- Jobs for Higher Education
- Peace Corps
- What do Biologists Do? (from Ask A Biologist)
- Wildlife and Fisheries
There are also more general tools that can help you search for jobs out there. While we do not endorse the following search tools, they may be helpful to you in understanding what types of jobs are available, and in searching for a job or preparing for the job search.
- BioInteractive (Virtual Lab Series from HHMI)
- EteRNA (Synthetic RNA designs)
- Foldit (Protein folding game & real research)
- Interactive Body (BBC Collection)
- Monster Genome Builder (from Ask A Biologist)
- Skeleton Viewer (from Ask A Biologist)
- Science Detectives - Training Room Escape (from Ask A Biologist)
- Venom! protein invader game (from Ask A Biologist)
- Bone Anatomy - dissection activity (from Ask A Biologist)
- Learn Genetics (collection of Flash-based simulations and tutorials)
- Peppered Moths (natural selection from Ask A Biologist and Weebly)
Virtual Datasets
- Manduca Caterpillar Experiment (from Ask A Biologist)
- Virtual Pocket Seed Experiment (from Ask A Biologist)
- Cardiovascular Pathology Index
- Cells Alive!
- The Cell Image Library
- HyperMuscle: Muscles in Action
- Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)
- Molecular Expressions
- Nanoworld Image Gallery
- Protein Data Bank (real-world molecules in 3D)
- The Whole Brain Atlas
- WikiMedia (large collection of all types of images)
- Activities Exchange (Access Excellence)
- BioMEDIA Associates
- Ecology Explorers
- Edible/Inedible Experiments Archive (Mad Scientist)
- Genetics Lesson Plans (Genetics Education Center)
- Microscopes (Project Micro - MSA)
- National Science Digital Library
- Natural Inquirer
- Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science
Places to buy supplies
Ask other Scientists and Experts
- Ask Dr. Universe
- Ask an Expert (ASU)
- Ask the Experts (Scientific American)
- Ask a Geologist (USGS)
- The Mad Scientist Network
Calculator & Conversion Tools
- Web2.0Calc (calculate just about anything)
- Online conversion (convert just about anything)
Dictionaries & Glossaries
Identify Plants and Animals
Scientific Journals and Magazines On-line
- Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears (K-5 teachers magazine)
- National Geographic
- Planet Science
- Public Library of Sciences (PLOS) Biology
- Scientific American
- Science in School (K-12 Journal in multiple languages)
Search Engines
- Bing
- Dogpile
- Google (images & translations)
- Hotbot
- Medline plus (science print publications)
Virtual Textbooks
Help with homework
- Homework Central on Big Chalk
- Homework Helper
- Homework Spot
- National Geographic Homework Help
- Yahoo Kids
Help with science fair projects
- Science Fair Project Ideas (
- Getting Started with your Science Fair Project
- PBS Kids - Zoom sci
- Projects and Science Fairs (Big Chalk)
- Science Buddies
- Science Fair Central (Discovery Education)
- Science Fairs Homepage (Canada)
Study Aids
- DNA Workshop (requires Shockwave)
- The Biology Project, University of Arizona
- The Fact Monster
- Study Guides and Strategies
Places to buy supplies
Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate studies
Biology Olympiads

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Ask A Biologist
By volunteering, or simply sending us feedback on the site. Scientists, teachers, writers, illustrators, and translators are all important to the program. If you are interested in helping with the website we have a Volunteers page to get the process started.