Games and Simulations on Ask A Biologist

Sometimes the best way to learn biology is by playing a game or using a simulation. For this reason some of our stories and activities include companion games. Here is list of our current collection of fun biology games. Please note that these biology games are now in HTML5 and are no longer require Flash. We hope you enjoy them.

Practicing the scientific method

Using the Scientific Method: The Case of the Mystery Images

Play The Case of the Mystery Images

Looking for another detective assignment? Practice all the new detective skills you learned in the Training Room Escape by solving The Case of the Mystery Images.

To learn more, visit Using the Scientific Method to Solve Mysteries.
Venom protein game


Play the Venom! Game

The shape of a molecule is very important. It’s what makes it possible for proteins to interact with other parts of the cell. In this invader game, you will defend the cells of the body against molecules of scorpion venom using antivenom.

To learn more, visit our story, Venom!
Explore the rainforest in 360

Virtual Reality Tours of Biology

Explore our Virtual Tours.

See the world of biology through virtual tours. Visit different environments, travel through time, take a look inside a bee colony, or observe feeding hummingbirds.


Close up of a lady bug
What is Biodiversity?

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Ask A Biologist

By volunteering, or simply sending us feedback on the site. Scientists, teachers, writers, illustrators, and translators are all important to the program. If you are interested in helping with the website we have a Volunteers page to get the process started.

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