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Step-by-step tutorial for building your own Pocket Seed Viewer. You can use it to test the effects of light, dark, temperature and gravity on seed germination and plant growth.
If you are a tobacco plant, you have a bad reputation. The link to cancer and other health related diseases is cause for any person to avoid you. But there is another side to this plant. Dr. Biology sits down with biologist Charlie Arntzen to talk about how tobacco plants are…
What would life be like on other planets? This is just one of many questions that Biochemist and author Nick Lane talks about while visiting with Dr. Biology. Listen in as Nick explores not only life on our Earth, but also what it might be like on other planets. Nick also reads…
Read Antibiotics vs Bacteria: An Evolutionary Battle and then take this quiz to test your knowledge!
There is nothing like seeing a feather up close.
Plankton comes in many shapes and sizes. These are just a few of the thousands of examples.
Now is the time to check out these amazing animals from the safety of your own computer.
Pollen comes in many shapes and sizes. These are just a few of the thousands of examples.
Did you ever wonder why you see the colors you do or if other animals see the same colors that you see? We see light that bounces off of things around us. When the light enters our eyes,…
Wordsearch | CrosswordFarming ants might sound like a crazy thing to do unless you might like to eat chocolate covered ants. It turns out we can learn a lot from ants and the best way is to build your own ant farm.…
Wordsearch | CrosswordTransforming robots are favorites of television and movies, but nature has some of the best transformers. Animals that can change in ways that almost seem unbelievable. Also in:…
Wordsearch | CrosswordThere are so many types of ants that it's funny the animated movie about them centers on one type that doesn't exist: a male worker ant. In this story you can explore some of the types of ants…
Wordsearch | Crossword