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Internal Fertilization

Mating dragonflies
A male Halloween pennant dragonfly is clasping the neck of a female. She moved her abdomen under him to pick up a sperm packet. Image by cotinis via Flickr.

When Eggs and Sperm Meet

Have you ever wondered why brothers and sisters look similar but not the same? What decides whether one person has their mother’s nose, or their father’s eyebrows? How come some get male body parts, and others get female body parts? To begin to answer these questions, and understand what happens when sperm and egg meet, we need to learn a little bit about chromosomes.

To Breed or Not to Breed

Sarala Pradhan Ioulia Bespalova
For many organisms, reproduction is a huge part of life. But what, exactly, does reproduction mean? Well, it can mean so many different things, including breeding or not, caring for young (or not), or giving birth (or not)... read on to learn about the diversity of ways that organisms reproduce.
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