Question 1

Your answerChoice
Pollen is used in a lot of food products.
Many people eat bees.
Bees pollinate many of our crops (food plants).
Honey is used in a lot of food products.
Question 2

Your answerChoice
Their level of excitement.
The direction and distance to a good flower patch.
The distance to a good flower patch.
The direction to a good flower patch.
Question 3

True or false? Bees have two different kinds of eyes.
Your answerChoice
Question 4

Your answerChoice
Queens, workers, and foragers.
Queens, workers, and larvae.
Queens, workers, and drones.
Question 5

Your answerChoice
21 days
31 days
12 days
Question 6

Your answerChoice
No, there are just as many males as females.
No, but most honey bees (and all workers) are female.
Question 7

Your answerChoice
All of these options.
Question 8

True or false? All bees have stingers for protection.
Your answerChoice
Question 9

Your answerChoice
Vibrate the wings during flight.
Twist and rotate the wings during flight.
Hold the wings rigid (like a board) while moving them up and down during flight.
Question 10

Your answerChoice
Mixing bees from different hives with each other and wild bees, increasing chances of passing disease.
Stressing captive bees out when moving their hives to different farms.
Exposure to pesticides and to antibiotics.
All of these options may be contributing to the problem.