Grasslands Biome

Question 1

Your answerChoiceFeedbackCorrect answer

Yes, they can find dormant grasses and other plants if they dig under the snow

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No, they all hibernate

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No, they all migrate

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Yes, there is plenty of food in the winter

Should not have chosen
Question 2

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By skipping or jumping

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By taking big steps or moving its legs fast

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Moving through burrows underground

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Question 3

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Question 4

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Transitional and tropical

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Tropical and desertified

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Temperate and desertified

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Tropical and temperate

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Question 5

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All of the above

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To attack other groups of animals

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They are all following the same grazing pattern

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To have more protection from predators

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Question 6

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To keep the grassland healthy and prevent buildup of dead plant material

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To clear grass and make a desert

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To warm the grassland

Should not have chosen

To scare people

Should not have chosen
Question 7

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Steppes, meadows, prairies, velds

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Steppes, pampas, llanos, prairies

Should not have chosen

All of the above

Should have chosen

Meadows, pampas, velds, prairies

Should not have chosen