Temperate Biome

Question 1

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Have needles that are kept throughout the year

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Have large leaves which aren’t lost in the winter

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Lose their leaves in the winter

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Question 2

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To avoid predators

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It’s too cold in the temperate forest

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To find food

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To mate

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Question 3

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Days are shorter and temperatures are lower in winter, so photosynthesis is less effective during winter

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They’re worn out and there is no more nitrogen left in them

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Birds eat more leaves during the winter, so they would eat all the tree leaves

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If they didn’t, snow could pile up on their branches and break them off

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1 and 2

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Question 4

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Green chlorophyll is being removed, revealing other pigments in the leaves

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Chemical reactions are occurring because it’s getting colder

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The sun is no longer turning them green

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Question 5

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From mycorrhizae (fungi) around their roots

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From the seed when they germinate

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From their leaves

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From their roots

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Question 6

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The soil

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The canopy

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The forest floor

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Question 7

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When birds hide food

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When animals become inactive during the winter

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When plants lose their leaves

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When animals return from the south in the summer

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Question 8

Temperate forests are forests with extreme climates.

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